Brass accessories
for doors
windows and furniture

after a detailed study of door adjustment problems, offers new adjustable hinge solutions
Bon El is a company specializing in the manufacture and sale of brass deadbolts and hinges. Discover our service of selling brass accessories for doors, windows and furniture, also online. On our site you can find a wide range of products and accessories for doors, windows, fixtures and furniture. We have a rich catalog of brass artifacts that can be custom made in a variety of finishes, such as hinges, deadbolts, handles, knobs and many more.
Discover all our brass accessories for doors, windows and furniture, organized by category, in our website catalog. Didn’t find what you’re looking for? No problem! If you need a particular item, a brass smallware, artifact or complement for your fixtures or furniture, we at BON-EL SNC can make all kinds of brass artifacts to size and design, according to customer specifications.